We offer wood-destroying pest inspections in Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Davie, FL, and nearby areas.
We follow a thorough inspection process and create a written report afterward.
Pests like termites and wood-boring beetles can nest in wooden fixtures on your property and cause extensive damage to its structure. Whether you're planning to sell or buy a property and want to make sure it's not infested with these types of pests or want to get ahead of these pests before they weaken the integrity of your home or business, you'll want to take advantage of our wood-destroying pest inspection service. When you sign up for this service, we will do a thorough visual check of your property, making sure we focus on common problematic areas to identify signs of wood damage caused by wood-destroying pests. We'll also create a written report of the inspection process, including the specific type of pest and the damage it caused to the property.
Our team at Royal Pest & Termite is licensed by the state of Florida to provide our professional wood-destroying pest inspections. We offer this service to property owners in and around Miramar, Pembroke Pines, and Davie, FL.
Our inspections will detect wood-destroying pests and the damage they cause to your property.

When you sign up for our wood-destroying pest inspection service, you can be confident that our team will thoroughly sweep your property. Our team has in-depth knowledge about common wood-destroying pests like termites and wood-boring beetles, so we are familiar with the environment and conditions they thrive in. This means we have a good idea of the most problematic areas on your property.
During our visit, we will visually check the structure of your home or business to identify wood-destroying pests and signs of wood damage. Our team will use the proper tools and equipment to inspect your entire property, making sure we don't miss a spot.
We Provide a Written Report After Our Wood-Destroying Pest Inspection
After we check your property, our team will create a written report on the wood-destroying pest inspection we just conducted. In this report, we will write in detail any signs of damage that we detected and note the wood-destroying pest that was responsible for the damage. Additionally, we will not any repair recommendations that will be needed as a result of any damage sustained from these pests! This way, you have all of the necessary information needed to move forward and can take any appropriate action if needed.
We carry the required state license for wood-destroying pest inspections.
When you work with our team, we want you to be confident that you are paying for a service that will yield good results. Our company is licensed by the state of Florida to provide our wood-destroying pest inspection service, which means we have passed certain standards to earn the license. Since 2014, we have upheld high-quality standards to maintain the license and ensure we provide you with top-notch service.
Give us a call today to sign up for our wood-destroying pest inspections!
Termites and wood-boring beetles can wreak unseen havoc on your property, but we're here to reveal all those issues so you can take the appropriate action. Our team at Royal Pest & Termite offers our wood-destroying pest inspections to residential and commercial property owners in Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Davie, FL, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at (754) 800-5284 to sign up for this service!